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About the National TPS Alliance

What is the National TPS Alliance?

In June 2017, Temporary Protected Status beneficiaries from Haiti, El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua and Nepal convened in Washington D.C to form the National TPS Alliance. The National TPS Alliance is formed and led by TPS beneficiaries from across the United States, combining advocacy efforts at a national level to save Temporary Protected Status for all beneficiaries in the short term and to devise legislation that creates a path to permanent residency in the long term. Several organizations historically involved in the hard-fought battle for immigrant rights have helped lift-up initiatives of the National TPS Alliance through logistical and technical support.

Who makes up the National TPS Alliance?

Approximately 1,000 TPS holders participate in the committees and anchor organizations that make up the National TPS Alliance. Other members include the U.S. citizen and immigrant children and family members of TPS holders, clergy, non-profit organizations, community leaders and other stakeholders. TPS holders have created local committees in their respective states. About 35 committees currently exist across the Unites States. Over 10 non-profit organizations, groups and unions are currently providing support at different levels. For the names of the National TPS Alliance member committees, organizations, and allied groups, please refer to the list at end of this document.

Why are TPS beneficiaries organizing now?

We organize collectively to preserve fairness, respect, and dignity for TPS holders, and for all immigrants in the by the United States. There has been no government accountability for creating the untenable conditions for TPS families nor an adequate analysis of country conditions in the decision-making processes that have led to the termination of the majority of TPS designations. Furthermore, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has not acknowledged the unfair plight of thousands of families that could be torn apart and
displaced because of the lack of accountability and callousness of these decisions. In the almost 37 years that various countries were granted TPS, DHS has not adequately prepared in order to prevent this unjust, rushed and unprecedented sequence of TPS terminations for almost all countries with this relief. Additionally, international affairs, refugee rights, and regional security would be negatively impacted as a result of the current policies against TPS.

Why do we want to protect TPS?

We intend to defend the rights of all migrants who can no longer return to their home countries. This protection is a legal, proven measure that allows immigrants to have work authorization and contribute to the United States economy, society and culture. Many TPS holders have been living and working in the United States for years, some with 20 or 30 plus years under the status. They have families, U.S. citizen children, and they are homeowners and business owners. Most do not have other immigration relief readily available to them, even though many could or should have been granted asylum or refugee status by the United States. We believe that no families, including TPS Families should not be separated.

What do we mean by ResidencyNow?

We recognize that TPS was created as a short-term solution for complex issues, but what brings deeper understanding to the beneficiaries’ circumstances means understanding the turmoil present in their homelands. Comprehensive Immigration Reform has been thwarted at every turn, leaving TPS beneficiaries in a permanent legal limbo. TPS beneficiaries want a legislative solution that provides a way to adjust for permanent residency so they can finally exit a life in limbo and be able to participate more fully and securely in their communities. Collectively, we have come up with Legislative Principles that drive our work and efforts.

  1.  The ability to adjust to Legal Permanent Resident (LPR) status.
  2.  The ability to adjust status without having to depart from the U.S. even if entered without inspection.
  3. The inclusion of all people that had TPS and were originally eligible for the program, even if they have failed to continue to maintain their registration current, or if their TPS status has been revoked.
  4. A “clean” TPS bill that does not attach increased border security provisions, funding for a border wall, the further militarization of the borders in other countries, biometrics, or funding for increased detention and deportation of migrants and asylum-seekers.
  5. The inclusion of all past and present TPS nationalities, including Guinea, Sierra Leone, and Liberia, that have had their TPS status terminated.
  6. Legislation should protect all TPS beneficiaries from administrative sanctions or other restrictions placed on specific countries.

Our Requests of Members of Congress:

  1. Urge the Administration to extend TPS for 18 months for all recipient countries, with an emphasis on those with upcoming renewal/termination deadlines.
  2. Champion, sponsor, support legislation that grants permanent residency to TPS holders.
  3. Urge the Administration to fulfill its promise and process the current Central America Minor Program applications for both parole and refugee status. The majority of the applicants are the children of TPS beneficiaries.
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