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Take Action

People who contribute to the greater collective of our communities form the National TPS Alliance. They are our neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. They are embedded in our every day lives. Over 35 local committees of TPS holders nationwide are pushing for legislation for approximately 450,000 TPS holders to obtain permanent residency in the USA. This is a movement that has lives depending on it and we cannot do it alone. We need the power of unity and community to fight for the justice of all TPS holders and all immigrant communities.

What Can You Do?

1. Call your Member of Congress
Find your MOC and use this script to ask them to support legislation to protect TPS holders: CLICK HERE TO CALL

2. Donate
With your help, The National TPS Alliance can continue to organize local and national efforts in the movement to protect and fight for TPS holders: CLICK HERE TO MAKE A DONATION

3. Join your Local committee
In cities around the country, TPS holders are organizing and advocating for Permanent Residency. Contact a committee leader and get involved: CLICK TO SEE LIST OF COMMITTEES

4. Join The Digital Movement
Join the Movement. Spread the word. Follow, like, share, all our social media efforts:

Informational Videos

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